These are the big issues of our campaign to reboot Nigeria
- Climate change and Environmental protection – restoring life to our environment through technology driven water management and restoration, reversing desertification, and cleaning up of water/ocean fronts. Intensive national campaigns on why our environment is important to food sufficiency, national security, and citizens’ health.
- Security – Re Engineering home grown methods anchored on best global evidence-based technologies in securing Nigeria in a 21st century world will be our approach to unravelling the causes of the protracted security challenges confronting our country. We will look to work in with our security experts (Nigerian Armed Forces), reconfigure the current security architecture, seek external collaboration from sources that have successfully dealt with this kind of issue. Our bottom-line approach will expert leadership of our Armed forces.
- Political Restructuring – of Nigeria towards a functional federation and healing of Nigeria’s national identity crisis.
- Corruption – We will set out an aggressive evidence led anticorruption programme to break the circle of financial and political/moral corruption in Nigeria. We look to engineer a national campaign for value re orientation and moral rearmament. This project is considered a critical value addition programme that the campaign will be placed on a war footing level and driven directly from the president’s office.
- Education – Nigeria’s education system is at best a broken system at the moment. The public education infrastructure from primary to tertiary level has become so decayed, monetised and dysfunctional that Nigeria is missing out on aggregating the power of her best national asset – her human resource pool. We will declare a state of emergency in Nigeria’s education sector to allow for comprehensive overhaul of the system through a system wide focus.
- Voluntary and community sector organisations – Reorganisation of, Engaging and democratisation of the voluntary sector for rapid nationwide community development.
- Health care system – A complete review of Nigeria’s current healthcare system with a vision to recasting a healthcare system that works best in our resource poor environment and to ensure an affordable, accessible, and patient centred care.
- Foreign policy – We shall radically review and reset a new foreign policy agenda for Nigeria. It shall be built on mutuality, collaboration, and respect. The process will involve the re-engineering of Nigeria’s foreign missions’ operations and the Nigerian Diaspora participation in the Nigerian project. A new agenda of relationship with our neighbours in the West African sub region. There will be a deliberate policy formulating an African brotherhood will be developed to secure our spaces against community disruption resulting from religious extremists and bandits.